Haihhh. . .

At last, I got headache, thinking about my pathway to college. Actually, my dad made my mind so confused. He said that Malaysian students currently were very excellent in academics but when they went for a job interview, most of them failed because they were not really good in public speaking. Truthfully, my speaking was really worst. Of course, students nowadays had so many high qualifications and from professional background but their communication skills were so bad. So, what my parents wanted to do was to find a really right route for me whether to take AUSMAT or A-level or CAT. Well, kan best kalau petah bercakap macam danial? Hmm. . .


Izzah Mahirah said...

klu mcm danial, tak kesah la, ambek yg ada interview. Ni bile tahu ada interview dah cuak. haih-,-

WaNi :) said...

betul2 >.<